SoW News Archive

Hey All (By [SoW]Professor)

Hey all. I have be REAL busy in school so I have not be able to update the site sorry. And for the Flash I promised, well, 20m (Our Host) is having conflicts with the flash so we might be moving our site soon. Check back often, I am planing more updates.

New Layout Soon! (By [SoW]Professor)

Hey all. I have been working on a new layout for this site, and all I can tell you is that it will kick a$$. The main menu is AWSOME! Its Flash enhanced... VERY COOL! If you have any sugestions, ICQ me at  74745931. Or if you don't have ICQ email me.

Attention SoW Applicants! (By [SoW]Morkia)

If you have submitted a join application within the last two weeks or so, go check the Pending Members page to see if your tryout time has been posted. If it hasn't, ICQ me (36086206), and I will try to setup a tryout time. Thank you.

MEMBERS ONLY! (By [SoW]Professor)

HEY ALL! I made a brand new members only LOGIN page. Yeah that right, its only the Login page, but the rest will be up soon. I think its kinda cool. Tell me what you think. You can find the Members Only page Here. Also I have been seeing way to many posts in the guest book, it is only for other clans to post, so if you have something to say to SoW members please post it on the message board.

New Webmasters. (By [SoW]Professor)

I have finally found two people to help with the site. If you want to know who they are, visit the new Contacts page.

Message Board Up! (By [SoW]Professor)

Hey all, this post is just to tell you that we now have a message board. It is up right now and already has a poll started in it, so go check it out and do the poll. Soon I will add a button at the left side of the page. So to get there click the above link...